unicorn Dress Up With Filled Rainbow Colours
At a celebration, playing with balloons is usually a good time. You'll need three different colours of 11" latex balloons, a hula hoop, a timer, and a dollar shop broom for this game. Fill a couple of the balloons with air, one of each colour. Place one balloon of each hue on one side of the room's floor and the hula hoop on the other side of the room's floor. Arrange the youngsters in a line and hand the broom to the first child. They have one minute or fewer to sweep all three balloons into the hula hoop without popping them. By the time the timer goes off, all three balloons must be inside the hula hoop. If the children are older or you have limited space, you can give less time. The child who clocks the fastest time wins the game.
This game is best played outside that way there is ample room for running. Pick one child to be the wrangler. Assign colors the rest of the children. For example, if you have ten children you can pick five colors (red, blue, green, yellow and purple) included in our unicorn games and assign two children each, the same color. The wrangler will stand in the middle of the yard or play area. They have to call out a color and the children with that color have to try to get to the other side without being caught. If they are tagged by the wrangler, they now have to help capture the other colors. The children continue running back and forth as their colors are called until there is only one person left. They become the wrangler and the game starts over.